'/> Interior Decorating: Pottery Barn Wall Phone - Children

Interior Decorating: Pottery Barn Wall Phone

Pottery Barn Grand Wall Phone Matte BlacK Retro Look Corded Tested
Pottery Barn Grand Wall Phone Matte BlacK Retro Look Corded Tested from www.pinterest.com

The Theme and Design Approach

The theme for this interior design project is a vintage and rustic style with a touch of modernity. The design approach will be centered around the Pottery Barn wall phone. The idea is to create a space that is warm and inviting, functional, and stylish. The vintage phone will serve as the focal point of the room and the inspiration for the design.

Pottery Barn Wall Phone

Color Scheme

The color scheme for this room will be neutral, with shades of beige, cream, and brown. These colors will provide a warm and cozy atmosphere and create a perfect backdrop for the vintage phone. The walls will be painted in a light beige color, and the furniture and accessories will be in shades of brown and cream.

Neutral Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

The furniture placement in this room will be centered around the vintage phone. The phone will be placed on a rustic wooden shelf that will serve as a focal point of the room. The bed will be positioned on the opposite wall, and the nightstands will be in shades of brown to complement the vintage phone. A comfortable armchair will be placed in the corner of the room, with a small side table and a lamp for reading. The room will be decorated with vintage-style rugs, pillows, and other accessories to create a cohesive and inviting look.

Furniture Placement

Decorative Options

There are many decorative options that will complement the vintage phone and create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in the room. Vintage-style rugs in shades of brown, cream, and beige will add warmth and texture to the space. Rustic wooden shelves, picture frames, and other accessories will add a touch of nostalgia to the room. Soft lighting, such as table lamps and sconces, will create a warm and inviting ambiance. The room can also be decorated with vintage artwork and photographs to complement the vintage phone and create a cohesive look.

Decorative Options


The vintage Pottery Barn wall phone is an excellent inspiration for a cozy and inviting bedroom design. The neutral color scheme, rustic furniture, and vintage accessories will create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the room. The furniture placement and decorative options will complement the vintage phone and create a cohesive and stylish look. With a little creativity and imagination, this vintage-inspired bedroom design will be the perfect retreat for relaxation and comfort.

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