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Designing A Relaxing And Aesthetic Website Top Bar

The 10 Best Bar Website Designs of 2020
The 10 Best Bar Website Designs of 2020 from mycodelesswebsite.com
Website Top Bar Design

Choosing a Color Scheme

When it comes to designing a website top bar, the color scheme is an important aspect to consider. The colors you choose can have a big impact on the overall aesthetic of the website, as well as the mood it creates for the user. For a relaxing and aesthetic top bar, it is best to stick with neutral colors such as whites, greys, and soft pastels. These colors create a calming and soothing atmosphere that is perfect for a website top bar.

Using Typography to Create a Relaxing Atmosphere

In addition to the color scheme, typography is another important element to consider when designing a website top bar. Choosing the right font can help to create a relaxing and aesthetic atmosphere. Sans-serif fonts are a popular choice for website top bars because they are clean and easy to read. It is also important to choose a font size that is easy to read and not too small or too large.

Website Top Bar Typography

Keeping it Simple

When it comes to website top bars, less is often more. Keeping the design simple and clean can help to create a relaxing and aesthetic atmosphere. Avoid cluttering the top bar with too many elements or too much text. Instead, focus on the essentials such as the website logo, navigation menu, and search bar.

Positioning Elements for Optimal Comfort

The positioning of elements within the website top bar can also have an impact on the user's comfort. It is important to position elements in a way that is easy to navigate and does not cause strain on the eyes or neck. Placing the logo and navigation menu in the center of the top bar can help to create a balanced and comfortable layout.

Website Top Bar Positioning

Using Contrasting Colors for Call-to-Action Buttons

Call-to-action buttons such as "Sign Up" or "Buy Now" are important elements within a website top bar. To make these buttons stand out, it is best to use contrasting colors that are different from the rest of the color scheme. This will draw the user's attention to the button and encourage them to take action.


Designing a relaxing and aesthetic website top bar requires careful consideration of the color scheme, typography, layout, and positioning of elements. By keeping the design simple and clean, using neutral colors and sans-serif fonts, and positioning elements in a comfortable and balanced way, you can create a top bar that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

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