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Designing A Bathroom With Sex Positions In Mind

Bathroom sex positions How to have sex in the bathroom
Bathroom sex positions How to have sex in the bathroom from www.cosmopolitan.com


Designing a bathroom with sex positions in mind may seem like an unusual request, but it is not uncommon. Many couples find the bathroom to be a private and intimate space, and designing it to enhance their sexual experiences can be a great way to spice up their relationship.

Bathroom Sex Positions

Color Scheme

The color scheme of the bathroom can play a big role in setting the mood. Using warm and inviting colors such as red, orange, and yellow can create a sensual and passionate atmosphere. Darker colors such as black and navy can add a sense of mystery and intrigue. However, it is important to balance these darker colors with lighter, brighter accents to prevent the bathroom from feeling too dark and cramped.

Bathroom Color Scheme


Lighting is another important factor to consider when designing a bathroom with sex positions in mind. Soft, dim lighting can create a romantic and intimate atmosphere, while bright, harsh lighting can be a turn-off. Consider installing a dimmer switch or using candles to create a more sensual and relaxing environment. Additionally, adding a few small, discreet lights around the bathroom can help set the mood without being too overpowering.

Bathroom Lighting

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement, less is often more. Removing bulky cabinets and unnecessary clutter can help create more space and allow for more freedom of movement. Consider adding a small stool or bench for more comfortable positioning, and make sure there is plenty of space around the toilet and sink for easy access.

Bathroom Furniture

Decorative Options

When it comes to decorative options, there are a variety of ways to add a sensual touch to your bathroom. Consider adding soft, fluffy towels and bathrobes, as well as scented candles or oil diffusers. Hang a few pieces of erotic artwork or add a small vase of fresh flowers to create a more romantic atmosphere. Finally, consider adding a few small touches such as a bottle of massage oil or a small basket of chocolates to help set the mood.

Bathroom Decorations


Designing a bathroom with sex positions in mind may seem unconventional, but it can be a great way to enhance your relationship and add some excitement to your love life. By considering factors such as color scheme, lighting, furniture placement, and decorative options, you can create a sensual and intimate space that will help you connect with your partner on a deeper level.

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