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Designing A North Country Storage Barn-Inspired Room

Cottage Shed North Country Storage Barns LLC
Cottage Shed North Country Storage Barns LLC from ncsbarns.com


North Country Storage Barn

North country storage barns are a popular design in rural areas. These barns are not only functional but also possess a unique aesthetic that can be incorporated into any room design. If you are looking to create a cozy and rustic atmosphere in your bedroom or hall, a north country storage barn-inspired design can be an excellent option. In this article, we will discuss the theme and design approach for a room inspired by a north country storage barn. We will provide suggestions on color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options that will enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the space.

Color Schemes

Color Scheme

The color scheme for a north country storage barn-inspired room should be warm and inviting. The use of neutral colors such as beige, gray, and white creates a cozy atmosphere. To add some depth and contrast, use darker shades of brown or green. These colors can be used on the walls, flooring, and furniture. Stick to natural materials like wood, stone, or brick to enhance the rustic vibe of the space.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

Furniture placement should be done in a way that maximizes space and creates a functional yet cozy atmosphere. Start by placing the largest piece of furniture, such as the bed or sofa, against the wall. This will create an open space in the center of the room. Use smaller pieces of furniture, such as chairs or side tables, to fill the space. Place these pieces in a way that creates a natural flow throughout the room.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options

When it comes to decorative options, think natural and rustic. Incorporate elements such as plants, animal skins, and wooden accents. Use soft lighting, such as lamps or candles, to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Hang artwork or photographs that reflect the north country storage barn theme. Consider adding a barn door or rustic shelving for storage options.


A north country storage barn-inspired room can be a great way to create a cozy and rustic atmosphere in your home. Use warm and inviting colors, natural materials, and rustic accents to achieve this theme. Proper furniture placement and decorative options can help to enhance the overall aesthetics and comfortability of the space.

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